CoinMENA University

Learn about Bitcoin, Crypto, Money, and more

Understanding the Crucial Role of Proof of Work in Bitcoin

Understanding the Crucial Role of Proof of Work in Bitcoin

In the world of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin stands as a pioneering beacon, a revolutionary creation that has transformed our understanding of money and value.
22 Jun, 2024
4 mins
Modern Monetary Theory vs. Austrian Economics

Modern Monetary Theory vs. Austrian Economics

As the global debt-to-GDP ratio continues to increase, and U.S. debt continues to rise exponentially, it's vital to scrutinize the economic theories underpinning these deficits.
11 May, 2024
5 mins
Bitcoin Halving

Bitcoin Halving

Bitcoin has a predetermined supply schedule that caps the total supply of bitcoin at 21 million bitcoin (BTC). Mining bitcoins is the only way new bitcoins are created and entered into circulation.
25 Mar, 2024
2 mins
The Bitcoin ETF

The Bitcoin ETF

In the wake of the spot bitcoin ETF's recent approval, there's a growing curiosity about the intricacies of ETFs and their distinctions from direct bitcoin purchases.
23 Jan, 2024
5 mins
Comparison of Monetary Standards

Comparison of Monetary Standards

Though some might critique the energy expenditure required for Bitcoin mining, the real comparison is against other monetary standards.
27 Feb, 2023
5 mins
Why Bitcoin Must Use Energy and Proof of Work

Why Bitcoin Must Use Energy and Proof of Work

Since energy is available and priced on the market, the fact that miners are able to use it cost-effectively is an indicator that it is not wasteful. What makes proof of work efficient?
27 Feb, 2023
10 mins
A Brief History of Bitcoin

A Brief History of Bitcoin

On January 3, 2009, a pseudonymous genius named Satoshi Nakamoto officially invented Bitcoin. Whoever this mystery person or group is, they managed to create the world's first cryptocurrency that would soon change everything as we know it.
30 Sep, 2022
2 mins
What Is Bitcoin Mining?

What Is Bitcoin Mining?

Work is energy. Everything in our lives is closely linked to the price of energy. The cost of any good largely reflects the energy used in producing that good. Bitcoin is no different. To mine new coins requires work, i.e., energy.
03 May, 2022
3 mins
Bitcoin vs. Gold

Bitcoin vs. Gold

Gold has been the preferred store of value commodity for centuries. The main reason for this is scarcity, the more scarce something is, the higher its value.
17 Mar, 2021
5 mins