Bitcoin's Full Valuation Potential

Bitcoin's Full Valuation Potential

How high can it go? Where is the ceiling for Bitcoin?

13 Jan, 2024
Jesse Myers
Jesse Myers

To read the full report click the download link.

Everyone gets caught in the weeds. We hear about Bitcoin and we question the details, then spend a great deal of energy exploring whether the multitude of projects claiming to be better than Bitcoin are the real deal. (After several hours of research, the answer appears to be "yes"; after thousands of hours of research, the invariable conclusion is unequivocally "no".)

But in pondering all these details, we fail to take a step back and ask a very basic question that's extremely important:

How high can it go? Where is the ceiling for Bitcoin?

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It's a simple question, but we forget to zoom out long enough to consider it. To answer it, we must explore: What is Bitcoin's value proposition, really? What market is Bitcoin competing in? How big is that market?

And once we have a sense for that... how big can this thing get? What is the full potential valuation for Bitcoin?

To read the full report click the download link.

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