Why Bitcoin Only؟

Why Bitcoin Only؟

If you are new to cryptocurrencies, a lot of pain and heartache can be spared if you lean in to understanding why.

17 Feb, 2024
Jesse Myers
Jesse Myers

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Everyone learns the hard way.  I certainly did.  When we first take interest in cryptocurrencies, we naturally explore what’s out there.  Everything sounds exciting, some of it even compelling.

So we diversify, thinking that’s the prudent thing to do.  But, invariably, the more you proactively learn or the longer you stay in the market, the stronger your understanding grows that there’s only one asset here worth holding: Bitcoin.

If you are new to cryptocurrencies, a lot of pain and heartache can be spared if you lean in to understanding why. 

Here are the three key reasons why Bitcoin is the only cryptoasset worth holding:

  • Digital scarcity is a one-time phenomenon

  • Money is the mother of all network effects & tends to one

  • The Crypto Catch-22 precludes any genuine competition to Bitcoin

Considering these topics could be the difference between cementing a Bitcoin fortune or squandering the massive opportunity before you.  Let’s dig in…

To read the full report click the download link.

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